Spiritual Implications of Anklets

Spiritual Anklets

In today’s society many of our women wear chains on their ankles called anklets. Whenever women wear such ornament it signifies the spirit of jezebel and implies that no man would ever rule them.

The scripture says that the man is the head of the woman; Ephesians 5:23 – For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

However, a woman that possesses the spirit of Jezebel would normally take the position of the male and they would become more dominant than their partner. Such a woman would dictate to their man rules and regulations. Such a man normally loses his voice and self-worth and would become a puppet on a string. I have seen it in deliverance where demons confess that the chain on the ankle means no man will never rule in their life. Most women that wear anklets will find that no man will settle with them and they are normally chained in the kingdom of darkness. They are also considered to be slaves in the spirit realm.

The Lord explained to me that chains on the feet represents slavery. He also explained that in the olden days ladies would normally wear chains on their feet. The Lord specifically mentioned that the Babylonians would normally wear chains on their feet. We also know that the Babylonians served idols instead of the true and living God. The Lord further explained that after slavery was abolished many wears small chains on their feet to indicate that they were once held in captivity. It is sad that after they were free physically, the devil still had a stronghold on their mind to have them wear chains on their feet. Though the size has reduced physically and they are deemed free, they are still connected to the kingdom of darkness by wearing these chains.  One may see a beautiful chain wrapped gorgeously around the feet physically, but, if God should open the spiritual eyes of some of us, we would not be able to bear the ugly truth of the foolish things we do due to lack of knowledge.

2 Corinthians 4:18- While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Today, many people wonder why they cannot settle down and have a family, even Christians. This is because they are already married in the spirit realm and are adorned beautifully with these cursed items. In the physically realm, the beauty of many women is hidden. However, these individuals need deliverance, but it is sad to say that many Christians are living defeated because they reject knowledge.  They believe that once you are a Christian you cannot have demons and deliverance is not needed. They would love to hear, “this is your year of release!” Nonetheless, before that release, sometimes deliverance by the blood of Jesus Christ is needed.

Many times in deliverance I see the most unusual things. I remember in a deliverance session on more than one occasion; rings were placed on the private area of both men and women. Golden teeth were given to a young man in the front of his mouth, jewellery on his ears, crown on his head and a ring on his finger. One may look and say; foolishness! well if you look on it from a physical perspective it may seem so.

This is why the scripture emphatically says in; 1 Corinthians 2:14- But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

I encourage readers to not feel condemned if you have been wearing chains on the feet and are experiencing these problems.  I pray you will make the right decision and remove them physically. I also implore you to Go to a HOLY SPIRIT filled church and seek deliverance. While one may remove the jewel physically, in the realm of the spirit there is still a connection. Therefore deliverance is required by the power of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you in Jesus Christ name. May the favour of the Lord rest upon you.

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11 thoughts on “Spiritual Implications of Anklets”

  1. Hallelujah thank you Jesus knowledge increases wisdom blessings divine transformation ministry
    when I pass ppl wearing the ankle jewelry something in me want to share the knowledge I have gain I can’t even look at them the same I just see the chains

  2. Okpodike C.N. Chris.

    Irrespective of the said cultural significance of anklets;Like in hausa culture it signifies marriage and adornment and in Igbo culture it signifies prestige, wealth and beauty, my personal opinion is that “women should stop putting anklets due to it’s demonic characterization.It has been hijacked and popularized by demons as a tool to possess and manipulate women in diverse ways like prostitution, lesbianism and striping a man of his natural rights as the head of household.” The implication is that young women who put on anklets hardly get married nowadays because men understand anklet wearers as prostitutes, lesbians and supplanter, however afraid of getting married to them.

  3. I am a born again Christian and I don’t wear ankles at all. So I was praying for deliverance upon my life and I had this dream were i was having ankles on my legs. Thank you so much for this teaching and revelation. I am going to pray to God for total deliverance 🙏🏽upon my life.

  4. Had to find out myself because my husband always tell me never to wear anklets because it’s against the bible. I listened to him though but wanted to find out myself. Thanks a lot for this teaching. I’ve got a proper understanding now.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🥰

  5. Ooh wow, indeed God’s people perish because of lack of knowledge. Thank God for Salvation. Thank God for our Redeemer – Jesus Christ

  6. Everyone is born with a curse on their head so we all need Deliverance, Adam and Eve, our ancestors, brought this upon us when they disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden and chose to obey Satan…The human race is a race of cursed people.

  7. Charmaine Burchell Allen

    Thank you Jesus please continue to bless on keep your child under your pressure blood in Jesus Christ name amen

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